REPLACING THE FRONT DOOR WINDOW REGULATOR CLIPS The following DIY outlines the procedure for removing the window regulator carrier panel, replacing the window regulator clips and the door lock module on a MKIV Golf/Bora/Jetta. Please do these procedures at your own risk and be ready to make small adjustments while doing them. Also, please be observant while removing parts so that they go back together correctly. The clips were part of the Window Regulator Repair Kit which cost £47.36 + VAT from VW Dealers or Buy one for less from our eBay Shop. The set comes with 2 clips and a cable/take-up reel assembly (only needs to be used if the existing cables are damaged - this part is not a redesigned/upgraded piece). The tools needed to replace the window regulator clips and/or door lock module are a flat-head screwdriver, a Phillips screwdriver, T20 and T30 Torx drivers, a 10mm socket (wrench or driver), an 8mm triple square tool, a rag, a sheet or blanket and a roll of duct tape. A drill and a set of bits (not sure exactly what size bit) can also be used during the procedure to disconnect the door lock module from the carrier panel. Doing so reduces the number of steps necessary to remove the carrier panel from the door (more detail on this is given below). If you are replacing the door lock module and do not use the drill to disconnect the door lock module from the carrier panel, you'll also need a small punch to push out the plastic rivets that secure the door lock module to the carrier panel. This is the recommended method since the rivets are not destroyed and can be reused when reinstalling the carrier panel on the door. Finally, the procedure should take between 1 and 3 hours, depending on experience. I have done the procedure (replacing the window regulator clips) four times and this most recent time it took me 2.5 hours, mostly because I spent a lot of time taking pics and notes about the procedure for this DIY. If I hadn't been taking pics and notes, it would have taken between 1 and 1.5 hours. (Note: The procedure below is for the front passenger's door specifically. The procedure for the driver's side door is nearly identical, except that the parts are a mirror image of those of the passenger's door. Specific differences between the passenger's and driver's door (very few) will be mentioned in the text. The procedure below assumes that the window clips have not completely failed and that the window still works (moves up and down with full range of motion). If your clips have failed and the window has fallen into the door, the procedure will be slightly different. I will try to address these differences in the text. Also, a few of the pictures were taken on a previous occasion (when the driver's door clips were replaced) so there may be slight differences in the colors of parts and of the backgrounds. Please ignore any continuity inconsistencies. If you follow the procedure as written using the pictures as a reference, you should not have any problems completing the procedure.)
PART I - REMOVING THE WINDOW REGULATOR CARRIER PANEL 1. Remove the inner door trim panel (shown below).
8. Depending on the current position of the window, raise/lower the window so that the window regulator clips at the bottom of the window can be seen through the access holes, as shown below. Since the door panel is off, you'll need to use the window controls on the 'other' door to do this.
10. Remove the 10mm bolt that secures each window regulator clip (two total) to the window glass, as shown below. If you are only replacing the door lock module (i.e., not replacing the clips), you do not need to remove the bolt, only loosen it.
12. If the regulator clips fail and the window falls into the door, it can be difficult to remove the carrier panel since the window often 'gets in the way'. If possible, try to remove the window from the door completely. This almost definitely requires the help of a second person. Attempt to pull the window up by its top edge. If you can raise the window nearly out of the door, it probably means that both clips have definitely failed. Try to raise the window so that the clips can be seen through the access holes described in step 8. If this is possible, remove the 10mm bolts, as described in step 10 and slide the clips off. Once the clips are off, remove the window from the door by pulling it up and out of the door. This is easiest if you rotate the rear edge out first and pivot the window around the lower front corner toward the front of the car. The window should come out of the door easily. If you're successful in doing this, put the window aside in a safe place. If you are not able to remove the window from the door (because it wasn't possible, not because you didn't try), it may mean that one of the regulator clips is still fully or partially intact. If this is the case, you may have to improvise a little during later steps to remove the carrier panel. I can't be more specific about this problem, since each different situation will have it's own solution. ATTENTION: Please be extremely careful when removing the window glass from the door. Make sure to have a strong grip on the glass at all times or it may fall and break. 13. Disconnect the harness connector from the regulator motor by pulling down on the retaining slide, as shown below.
After doing this, go directly to step 25 - Do not perform steps 17-24 unless you are replacing the door lock module. If you are fitting our Delock Kit perform steps 17-20 & then go to step 25. If you are replacing the door lock module, you MUST continue on with step 17.
As always, do this procedure at your own risk. I am not responsible
for any mistakes in the procedure or those that you make while
performing it. |
PART II - REPLACING THE WINDOW REGULATOR CLIPS Steps 1 through 5 provide some background info on how the old-design window regulator clips break, the differences between the old- and new-design clips and how the window regulator assembly works. The actual replacement of parts begins with step 6. 1. An intact, old-design window regulator clip can be seen in the picture below. The old-design clips are a two part design - a metal clamp (which attaches to the bottom of the window glass) which slides into a plastic support. The plastic support slides up and down the window regulator track via an L-groove (right angle) in the support and is connected to a motor by a set of opposing cables - one moves the clip down the track and one moves it up the track.
7. The cable/take-up reel assembly supplied with the Window Regulator Repair Kit can be seen in the picture below. The take-up reel assembly comes with a steel bracket attached which is used to keep the adjusting springs compressed while the assembly is not installed on the carrier panel. This bracket makes it significantly easier to replace the regulator clips and is why VW supplies it with the new cable/take-up reel assembly. It is still possible to change the regulator clips without the bracket, but doing so requires that the springs be compressed manually while trying to reinstall the regulator cables around the pulleys (this will make more sense later on).
12. The schematic below shows a cross-section of a new-design clip in place on the window track (the old-design clip attaches to the track in exactly the same way - the only difference in the schematic would be the design of the clip itself). The schematic clearly shows how the window track fits into an L-groove in the clip body (on the new-design clip, the L-groove is in a plastic sleeve that is an insert in the clip body, as shown below).
18. Before installing the cables into the new-design clip body, make sure that you have the correct clip for whatever door and window track you are working on. The four regulator clips (both new and old) are all different and will only work on their corresponding window track. The new clips are labeled with a code that indicates the door and window track that the clip should be installed on. 'L' and 'R' indicate that the clips are for the left and right doors, respectively. 'A' and 'B' indicate that the clips are for the front (towards the front of the car when the carrier panel is installed on the door) and rear window tracks, respectively. For example, a clip with the code 'R-B' should be installed on the right door on the rear window track. Similarly, a clip with the code 'L-A' should be installed on the left door on the front window track. Also, before installing the cables on the new clip, make sure to loosen the T30 Torx screw on the clip so that the window will slide into it easily later on. Do not remove the bolt completely - only loosen it. 19. Install the cables into the new-design clip body by following step 16 in reverse. Remember to install the appropriate cable into the deeper groove first. The cables should appear as they do in the picture below after being installed.
24. Once both regulator clips have been replaced, it's time to reinstall the regulator cable on the pulleys. Make sure that the cable is installed correctly on three of the four pulleys and then use a screwdriver to pop the cable onto the fourth and final pulley. Make sure that the cable guide (indicated by the yellow arrow in the picture below - there is one for each pulley) is in position. This procedure should be relatively easy if the steel spring bracket is in place on the cable/take-up reel assembly. If it is not, you'll need to compress the springs on the assembly by hand to provide enough slack for the cable to be installed on the final pulley. It helps to have a second person compress the springs while you install the cable on the pulley. Newer pulleys have a cam pulley molded on top of each cable pulley which can be used to assist in reinstalling the cables if need be (Sorry. I don't have a picture). To use the cams, install the cable on one or more of the cams instead of directly on the main pulleys - use as many cams as necessary to provide enough slack to get the cable on all four cams/pulleys. Once the cable is in place on the four cams/pulleys, pull down or push up on the two regulator clips simultaneously. This will force the clips to move and will cause the cables to rotate on the cams/pulleys. After moving the clips a short distance, the cams will pop the cable onto the main pulley - move the clips until the cable is correctly installed on all four main pulleys.
27. Reinstall the carrier panel back onto the door
As always, do this procedure at your own risk. I am not responsible for any mistakes in the procedure or those that you make while performing it.
Thanks to VgRt6 @ for this Repair Guide |